Fotohalbmarathon 2011

The 2011 Fotohalbmarathon took place on September 25th.


Inspired by the International year of Chemistry we had the following topics:

  1. synthesis
  2. energy
  3. periodic system
  4. Elixir of Life
  5. phase
  6. distillation
  7. concentration
  8. chemistry kit
  9. neutralisation
  10. Green chemistry
  11. molecules
  12. kinetics
  13. hydrocarbon
  14. alchemy
  15. explosive
  16. equilibrium


In total we had ten teams (with eleven registrations).

  • Arkham
  • Die Fotosynthasten
  • Die Geometer
  • Die Klinken
  • Familie Wendt – unter falschem Namen
  • MAGNUM Mandel
  • Team Blau
  • Team Speichenbruch
  • The Tweeties
  • Turma intestinalis


Best picture

2011-09-25-16-54-19-turma-intestinalis 2011-09-25-15-26-18-turma-intestinalis 2011-09-25-11-40-32-turma-intestinalis
Place 1st 2nd 3rd
Team Turma Intestinalis (Team 5) Turma Intestinalis (Team 5) Turma Intestinalis (Team 5)
Topic equilibrium kinetics synthesis
Points jury 1,83 1,50 1,17
Points teams 1,60  2,20  – – –
Points average  1,73  1,82  0,64

Best series

Place 1st 2nd 3rd
Team Turma Intestinalis (Team 5) Team Speichenbruch (Team 6) Arkham (Team 2)
Points jury 32,83 22,00 18,83
Points teams 33,00 18,20 16,20
Points average 32,91   20,27  17,64
© 2011 - 2025 Sascha Mehlhase (Thanks to Anne, Bernd, Carsten and more ...)