Fotohalbmarathon 2014

Due to the slightly advanced time of the year we decided to go with a new and experimental format! This year we had our first Christmas-Fotohalbmarathon.

As in a regular advent calendar we gave out a new topic every day, form 1st to 24th of December, and you had to take a shot during the day. All pictures had to, in one way or another, feature the day of the month (1-24) and had to be send to us by email before the end of the following day.

The topics were published on this web site every day at 8 am and the pictures had to be taken at the same day.

In the end it was business as usual, we wanted great shots, the best realisations of the topics and the perfect series.


  1. Baked Apples
  2. Gift table
  3. Christmas tree
  4. Mulled wine
  5. Nativity play
  6. Boots
  7. Fairy Lights
  8. Feast
  9. Advent Calendar
  10. Friends
  11. Gingerbread
  12. Nutcracker
  13. Christmas Cookies
  14. Candle Arch
  15. Punch
  16. Wishlist
  17. Cinnamon star (star-shaped cinnamon biscuit / cookie)
  18. Christmas Bauble
  19. Advent wreath
  20. Christmas Angel
  21. Family
  22. Christmas Star
  23. Three Kings (Biblical Magi)
  24. Santa Claus


  • Heike (107763)
  • The Tweeties (164823)
  • 37 degress (264753)
  • Bernd (384771)
  • Spatzbären (475832)
  • finallyFree (592842)
  • Last Minute (654231)
  • Ari+Rando (763472)
  • Klingklöckchen (873621)
  • Speichenbruch (963521)


Best picture

 873621 - 20 - Weihnachtsengel - Christmas Angel  873621 - 19 - Adventskranz - Advent wreath  873621 - 15 - Punsch - Punch
Place 1st 2nd 3rd
Team Klingklöckchen (873621) Klingklöckchen (873621) Klingklöckchen (873621)
Topic Christmas Angel Advent wreath Punch
Points 3.39 2.72 2.39

Best series

Place 1st 2nd 3rd
Team Klingklöckchen (873621) Speichenbruch (963521) AriRando (763472)
Points 50/50 66.83 54.83 53.47
Points jury (1) 61.67 (2) 53.00 (4) 43.50
Points teams (1) 72.00 (3) 56.67 (2) 63.44
© 2011 - 2025 Sascha Mehlhase (Thanks to Anne, Bernd, Carsten and more ...)