What’s a Fotohalbmarathon?

Mainly fun!
If that is too vague for you, here is a small overview …


A few years ago, our good friend Anne had the impression that the fees for the bigger brothers of our Fotohalbmarathon were a bit too excessive and decided to organise a little … so to say half marathon.
That’s basically why we have the Fotohalbmarathon, already for a few years now.


In a Fotohalbmarathon, similar to its more complete namesakes, the main objective is to take a give number of pictures on equally many topics. Hereby, all topics, given to the participants in several blocks one after the other, have to be dealt with in the given order. An additional handicap is the fact, that for each topic only one picture can be taken and that there is a given time limit.

This means that in the end each team, consisting of one or more persons, has taken only as many pictures as there are topics and that all pictures are in the same order as the topics themselves.

It is also quite common, and typically well received by the jury, if a series of pictures contains some sort of golden thread, which not necessarily has to match the main topic of the Fotohalbmarathon.

In the past years, we usually had twelve topics in three groups, with a total time of six hours. The groups of topics were handed out to the participants at changing places in Berlin and final collection of all pictures took place at the last meeting point.


As we want to internationalise the Fotohalbmarathon also in this year, a few of these procedures have been changed. Details on the changes can be found shortly in the rules section.

© 2011 - 2025 Sascha Mehlhase (Thanks to Anne, Bernd, Carsten and more ...)